Arch 1
From Doug's Wiki
Revision as of 06:51, 26 November 2008 by Digitalgeneral (Talk | contribs)
Brief Overview
Arch 1 is the astromech droid for the modified T-65B X-Wing Mortis.
Arch 1 is sarcastic and sharp tongued. He knows that his master, Darren Ortis is not the brightest but his loyalty out weighs any shard of doubt he may have for him. His duty is to serve and protect his owner.
Darren made a few modifications to Arch 1 to better suit the situations Darren comes in contact with. A flamethrower has replaced the standard issue fire extinguisher. The normal inhibitors that prevent droids from harming organics has also been removed and new programming allows the droid to act only in times of self defense (i.e. when attacked, damaged by another organic/inorganic object, any type of unauthorized restraints including restraining bolts.