Twi'leks with Low Self-Esteem

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Some people will do anything for a baseball cap.

Basic Overview

Twi'leks with Low Self-Esteem is a popular porn series for those picky denizens of space who don't want hardcore action. The typical setup for each installment pits two narrators --B'thur and Sa-ul-- against a raging party, filled with flashing lights and lasers, smoke screens, and drunk ladies with head-tails.

The Basic Installment

The narrators of the show are armed with an arsenal of prizes, ranging from spacer caps and t-shirts to datapads and landspeeders, and crash a high-scale party. More drinks are purchased, creative games are played, and the cameras are rolling.

After some time, the narrators begin offering prizes in exchange for basic nudity. If someone is particularly randy on camera (or just really wants a t-shirt), they may be taken to a nearby hotel room. At any rate, the more that shows, the more the prizes grow.


  • The title of the show is derived from the first installment, when the narrators 'accidentally' crashed a university Twi'lek cultural party. It was later discovered that the 'accident' was a planned crash, and the party was in fact thrown by the narrators.
  • To date, the show has never given away a landspeeder to ANY of the contestants, though it is listed as a viable prize to any participating woman.
  • The film crew --covering sound, video, and editing-- is done singularly by legendary cameraman Swan Cabul. Cabul once suffered a cardiac episode while taping (Installment LXIII: 'To Have or Have Nautolan'), and it was not realized until review of the footage, which was found to have stopped shaking.
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